Monday, July 4, 2011

Studying for Science

Studying for Science
Publisher: Spon Press | ISBN: 0419148108
PDF | 194 pages | 1 mb

Looking back to when I started teaching, some 20 years ago, I am sure I was too critical of students’ work. They were penalized not only for their lack of scientific knowledge and understanding, but also for failure in the way they approached their work and their inability to retrieve and use information. With hindsight, I realize that many of their supposed faults were of my own making. As a science teacher it was my job not only to extend and broaden subject knowledge, but also to instruct in the ways of studying science and demonstrate the accessibility of scientific information. I took for granted that they had already developed the skills of being a student; failing to appreciate that for many, unless told otherwise, academic work equated with a parrot-like ability to recall fact and detail.

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